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جافا سكريبت غير ممكن! ... الرجاء تفعيل الجافا سكريبت في متصفحك.

الصفحة الرئيسية

تطوير مهارات الكتابة في اللغة الإنجليزية Accommodation across or over Act- Action- Activity Advice Afraid and frightened afterwards

 تطوير مهارات الكتابة في اللغة الإنجليزية واستخدامات Accommodation/ across or over/ Act- Action- Activity/ Advice Afraid and frightened/ afterwards 


- Accommodation المسكن/ الإقامة

Accommodation is uncountable. We cannot say, “I will help you to find an accommodation.” 
In this case we could say, “I will help you to find somewhere to live.”


- Across or over

We can use across or over to mean (on- to the otherside).
But when we talk about crossing something high, we usually use over (I can’t climb over that wall.
With “room”, we usually use across: (I walked across the room to the door.)


- Act- Action- Activity

Act- Action:
can have the same meaning. It was a brave act- action. 

Act: can be followed by “of”.
It was an act of bravery.

Activity: is used for something that is done regularly. 



Advice is an uncountable noun, so we cannot say “an advice” or “some advices”.
We can say: a piece of advice or a lot of advice. 


- Afraid and frightened

You can only use afraid after a noun, but you can use frightened before or after a noun. 
A frightened animal.
The animal was afraid/ frightened.



It is more common to use afterwards at the end of a sentence:
We played tennis and then went to Angela's house afterwards.

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Salwa Ali

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